
194 G Catalogue 4 § Edition 06/2023 Technical Appendix Pulse Testing Pulse pressure cycle ISO 6803 (DIN 20024) 15 % 5 % Pulse pressure 85 % Pulse pressure 15 % Pulse pressure 5 % 10 bar (1 MP a) 0 bar (0 MP a) 5 % 50 % ± 5% 0 - Point 10 % 100 % = 1 Load monitor 0 - Point ± 5 % Pulse pressure 5 % Tolerance field The pulse test is a service life test for hose assemblies. It comes very close to conditions encountered in practice. STAUFF hose connectors are mounted on hoses of various manufactures and pulse tested in order to guarantee the best possible production quality. During the test, the test samples are exposed – usually under static bending loads and installation at 90° or 180° - to continually increasing loads between almost zero pressure and a value, depending on the type of hose, of 20% to 33% above working pressure. The load change frequency is 1±0,25 Hz. The decisive statement of the pulse test is the number of load changes until failure of the hose assembly occurs. The pulse pressure test is made with a testing liquid according to the ISO viscosity class 46 and at a test temperature of 100°C or 120°C according to the displayed trapezoid curve. STAUFF is not only able to realize pulse tests according to ISO 6803 but also pursuant to ISO 6802 (OMEGA TEST), ISO 8032 (HALF OMEGA TEST) with dynamic alternating bending loads, and there is also the opportunity to realize the well known KOMATSU TEST. These dynamic tests can be performed according to customers’ requests. Standard values and other information on pulse test methods can be found in the standards SAE J343, ISO S1436, ISO 8032, ISO 6802 and ISO 6803.